لأن الجذور لا تموت
Because Roots Don’t Die
This poignant portrait of Palestinian women’s lives during the Lebanese civil war recounts the tragedies that befell the residents of Tal al-Zaatar Palestinian refugee camp in former East Beirut. Presenting a panorama of their lives before the camp, the documentary brings to the forefront the testimonies of those who survived the attacks against the camp, as well as the siege, massacre, and the camp’s eventual dissolution in a narrative of both hardship and hope.
ملخص الفيلم
Director Biography
Nabiha Loutfi was born in 1937 in Sidon, Lebanon. She has a degree in Arabic Literature from the University of Cairo and studied filmmaking at the Egyptian Film Institute between 1960 and 1964. In 1965 she began to work as an assistant director and as of 1969 made several documentaries, garnering various national and international awards. She was a founding member of several film associations, including The New Egyptian Film Group, the Association of Egyptian Filmmakers and the Association of Film Critics.
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